Mrs Lang (Drama teacher and Head of PSHE)
Prior to the half term break, Year 10 engaged in PSHE sessions exploring the important topic of Mental Health, learning about eating disorders and self-harm. During the session, they participated enthusiastically in ‘myth buster’ activities, demonstrating a mature, reflective and thoughtful approach to understanding some of the causes and consequences of these troubling behaviours.
This is a topic that would have been covered in the Summer Term of Year 9, but because of its important but hugely sensitive nature we waited until we could deliver the lessons face-to- face, as we want the girls to feel comfortable asking any questions they might have, and to be able to access support immediately, should they need to.
Much of the morning was spent helping the girls to understand how to get help and how to give help. It is thought that as many as one in ten young people will experience emotional or mental health challenges that lead to either self-harm or eating disorders, so it is important that the girls know who they can approach for support, both inside and outside of school.
The girls have all been introduced to positive strategies to help them talk to their peers about any concerns they might have, and are aware of the early warning signs to watch out for. Above all, we have impressed on them that sometimes-good friends don’t keep bad secrets, because while there is hope and recovery is common, this is rarely possible without some form of professional help.
I was extremely impressed with how thoughtful and sensitive the girls were as they approached these difficult topics. I would like to express my appreciation to all the teachers who gave up their time to contribute to the day, and helped ensure it was a success.