Anika Dutta, Ailidh Monaghan and Masooma Sultana (Lower Sixth)
As a way to challenge ourselves we, the Lower Sixth Form further maths class, have entered this year’s Ritangle 2020 competition. The competition, hosted every year by Integral, consists of 25 questions with the answers for the first 24 required to answer the final one.
It is definitely a challenge and with a question now coming out every day, we are using frees and lunchtimes to work through the problems together. In fact one question took us over 2 hours to answer!
The questions are also not the conventional type so we are encouraged to think outside the box and use technology, such as spreadsheets and graphs, to answer them. It has been a great team building experience and we have become much closer as a set through it.
We are slowly but surely preparing to tackle the big final question on Tuesday 8th December at 4pm. So please wish us luck and hopefully we will be coming home with a maths hamper.