Photo – 2019 Giving Forward winners.
Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
During the Autumn Term, Year 10 have been taking part in an advocacy programme called Giving Forward.
Over a number of sessions, the girls discussed social issues, and then in small groups they chose one they felt passionate about and found a local charity that addressed that issue. In previous years, the groups would have visited the charity to speak to staff, volunteers and service users, but this year had to rely on emails and phone calls to collect information about the charity and how it supports the local community. They put together a five-minute presentation, including a video, to show what their charity did and why they deserved to win the £1000 grant on offer.
This week has seen the culmination of the internal heats, where seven groups have been selected to go forward to the final – Bedfordshire Down’s Syndrome Support Group, Q:Alliance, Emmaus Carlton, SMART Prebend Centre, Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre, MK Hospital Charity and Autism Bedfordshire. The final will happen virtually this year with the videos being sent to a judging panel to mark them on their knowledge, creativity and presentation skills.