Photo - Eva (BGS Year 4) with her younger sister Grace.
We are so proud of the resilience of our students who are continuing to use their voice to support and campaign for charitable organisations during these challenging times.
Eva Jackson (BGS Year 4), and her younger sister, Grace, will be taking part in a Virtual Lapland Adventure Walk between 3rd - 31st December to raise awareness and funds for the Stroke Association. They will be walking 176km over four weeks as a team and hope to raise £100 along the way.
Eva and Grace's amazing grandma recently suffered a stroke, and is now doing very well with her recovery. They wanted to raise money to help other stroke patients get better too. Their Grandma will also be joining in the Virtual Walk too, truly inspirational!
Eva’s form tutor, Miss Arnold (Year 4) said: “We are delighted to see that Eva has taken the initiative to raise money for such a worthy cause, one that is close to her heart. We will be supporting her with every step.”
You can support their campaign here.
Charlie Duce (Year 7) has elected to donate £100 to charities for Christmas and give up the equivalent value in Christmas presents this year.
She has donated £30 to St David's Hospice in North Wales in memory of her grandad, who was nursed there during his last few weeks before he passed away with cancer. She has also donated £20 to Alzheimer's Society, £10 to Alzheimer's Research UK and £20 to Guide Dogs for the Blind. Her remaining £20 will be spent on food to be donated to the Bedford Blues Christmas Foodbank Collection on Saturday 12th December. Anyone can donate to this cause between 9am – 12pm that day at the Bedford Blues ground on Goldington Road.
Charlie’s form tutor, Madame Helm (Head of MFL) said: “I am so proud of Charlie’s initiative and how she thought about others this Christmas. Her kindness and generosity was already evident when she generously brought a full bag of food for our school charity, Bedford Open Door. Well done Charlie!"
We would love to hear your amazing stories of how you are helping the local community, please get in touch at [email protected] so we can share with our community and support your causes.