Mrs Morgan (Senior School Eco Coordinator)
After several weeks of construction, we are now proud to unveil our finished BGS Bug Hotel! Inspired by the recent TV documentary, Prince William: A Planet for Us All, the Eco Club have been working hard to create their own insect sanctuary.
Each week a different year group has taken their turn to create a range of hidey holes for insects to reside. Situated in a quiet spot behind Burnaby House, the main structure has been made from wooden pallets, with waste materials such as old plastic bottles filled with twigs, pine cones and rolled up cardboard to make the cosy nesting spots.
Phoebe Demuth (Year 8) said: "I think that the bug hotel was a nice opportunity to get outside and do something productive instead of sitting inside at lunchtime.”
Erin Ferris (Year 7) said: “I really enjoyed helping to construct the bug hotel and I think that when the garden is finished, it will be a nice place to go.”
The Bug Hotel also joins the newly-installed raised beds for growing our own fruit and vegetables (planting to start later in the Spring Term) so it is hoped the five-star rated accommodation will encourage plenty of insect pollinators to help produce a bumper crop!