Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Wednesday 2nd December, Year 6 were joined by Brian Cunningham, The Coordinator of the charity BRASS (Bedford Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support).
This was arranged to support our current Unit of Inquiry on Human Migration. We learned all about the difficult journeys young male refugees from Eritrea make to get to a country of safety. The journey is fraught with dangers and can take a long time, often with long periods spent in refugee camps in Kenya.
BRASS works with these refugees when they arrive in Bedford to help them acclimatise to life in the UK, including English and maths lessons and other general help and advice. BRASS also works with a large number of Syrian Refugee families who live in Bedford, including helping their children in schools.
Zaina-Hibbah said: “I’ve never met someone who works with refugees before. It so it was interesting to understand what it is like for refugees are like rather than just hearing what is on the news.”
Sophia said: “I didn’t realise that there are so many refugees needing our help living in Bedford – 600 is a lot.”
Rosie said: “He gave us a good insight into what it is like to arrive in a strange country and have to learn to live there.”
Year 6 are now busy thinking of ways we can support BRASS is the future.