Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
Over the last two weeks, Year 3 have been exploring how nature is used as an expression of creativity. They have broken down this concept and have explored what creativity, nature and expression mean to them, how we express ourselves, ways of communicating and how nature is a stimulus for creativity.
On Friday 22nd January, the girls used inspiration from artists such as Anna Tokarska and Andy Goldsworthy to plan and design their own piece of natural artwork which they would be creating on the following Monday. After the snow on Monday, we were slightly concerned with how feasible the activity would be but were absolutely astounded with the results. The girls showed such resilience, adapting their plans and creating original individual pieces. Take a look here at the finished articles. We hope they bring as much joy to you as they did to us!
Trying to inject some additional fun into our online week, Year 3 decided upon a Wacky Wednesday theme, which started this week. The girls were shocked to discover their teachers had been hijacked by two wacky looking individuals as well as the many wacky class mates who turned up. From glittery dresses to clown faces, our Year Group assembly enabled us to come together and celebrate happiness and the importance of sharing our smile. The best medicine for an injection of happiness was our five minutes of ‘Happy’ dancing!