Many congratulations to our talented musicians who achieved outstanding results in the Autumn Term Trinity and ABRSM music exams. The students were awarded 15 Distinctions, 6 Merits and 4 Passes.
Mrs McKinnell (Music Teacher) reflected on the results: “In the same way as we have all had to adapt this year, so have Trinity and ABRSM, the two boards that run our instrumental/vocal/theory examinations which students take on a termly basis. To make the performance exams COVID secure, it meant running them remotely, rather than having visiting examiners coming into school as they normally would have.
“Our students had to adapt, performing their exam material to a video camera, which was set up in the Music Department. Their submission included all their pieces, as well as any technical material they would normally perform e.g. scales and studies. The recordings were then sent off to the exam boards, who assessed the recordings and awarded marks accordingly.
“We applaud the students whose achievements in practical music have been recognised. It is a very different experience, performing to a camera instead of a real person. As performers, we are used to continuing on with pieces in the event of tiny slips when playing in front of a live audience, carrying on as if nothing had happened. This is part of the skill of performance. However, it takes a lot to keep performances going in front of just a camera, if there is a tiny slip, as musicians often tend to have quite a perfectionist nature which can be hard to overrule in the event of a tiny error. Much resilience and mental strength was required from these girls, and they are to be congratulated. A fantastic set of results. Well done!”
View the full results HERE.