Mrs Winter (Head of Dance)
Having the opportunity to return back to the Dance Studio in the Autumn term was such a joy after having to become a little more sedentary during the summer term, when curriculum dance was taught remotely and now we are back to being remote.
We were all keen to move our feet and become physically mobile! Being back in a studio space still faced us with restrictions that we had to comply with. Dance performances and choreography typically require closeness, physical contact and freedom to explore space and distance but as performers, it was important to adhere to the restrictions keeping us all safe by maintaining our distance with no physical contact. So, we decided to bridge that distance with a united theme which everyone could relate to.
The Dance ‘Breathe’ emerged out of hard work, perseverance and reflection, as the girls in Years 7 and 8 developed the work, presenting a cohesive unit for the digital platform.
Their exploration gave them the opportunity for self-reflection, demonstrating aspects of empathy and developed understanding of the uncertain and complex challenges that the world was faced with in 2020.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Elsom (Dance and Theatre Technician) for filming and editing the two final pieces for Years 7 and Year 8.
We do hope you enjoy these performances created last term:
Breathe - Year 7 BGS Dance Project, watch HERE.
Breathe - Year 8 BGS Dance Project, watch HERE.