Remember to keep entering and sending in your amazing efforts to Mrs Axford (Assistant Head), or post them on your social media channels and tag #BGSCommunity. There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the various competitions.
Snow Sculpture Competition Results
In our very spontaneous House Snowman/Snow Sculpture Competition that went out at midday last Sunday we had an amazing 150 entries. It was brilliant to see everyone’s creations and all the very smiley faces in the photos too. In many cases it was clearly a team effort and it was fantastic to see a number of our alumnae featuring too! Thank you to everyone who got involved, you can view some of the photos HERE.
It was an extremely difficult job to pick our winners but here we go…
Joint 1st in the Junior School were:
Sienna Burger (Year 6) - Austen
Merrin Harris (Year 4) - Franklin
In the Senior School and Staff Competition
1st Scarlett Ames (Lower Sixth) - Hepburn
2nd Mrs Sadler (Head of History and Politics) - Nightingale
In equal 3rd place
Bea Anderson (Year 11) - Austen
Georgia Ames (Year 10) - Hepburn
BGS Thank You NHS House Bake Off – Week One – Pizza
We had 77 entries for this week’s Pizza challenge, and they were all outstanding and a real tribute to the ongoing hard work of the NHS. There was such a variety of pizza shapes, interesting flavours and colourful toppings. Well done to all the girls who entered.
1st Place – Senior School – Ella Bowis (Year 9) - Austen. A wonderful colourful rainbow tribute to the NHS, linking with the importance of healthy eating.
Runner up – Senior School – Jessica Parrish (Year 8) - Chanel
1st Place – Junior School – Jenna Mistry (Year 4) – Parks. We loved the heart and rainbow themed pizza that Jenna cooked, a wonderful representation of the NHS.
Runner Up – Junior School – Florence Sexton (Year 5) - Chanel
There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the Bake Off competitions. The final deadline for this week’s biscuit competitions is Monday 1st February. The Bake Off competitions can be entered on Google Classroom using the following code: r7y4sgk.
We have already had some amazingly creative entries in the Letters in the Environment competition organised by Miss Nelson (Art and Textiles Teacher). The deadline is Sunday 21st February and the link to upload your entry is HERE.
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.