Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
During the first lockdown in 2020, you may be aware that we ran a collection of handmade pamper bags for Bedford Hospital. This involved making a small drawstring bag and filling it with toiletries and sweet treats for the staff at the hospital.
This lockdown we wanted, once again, to show our support for our local hospital staff, who are working tirelessly under extremely challenging conditions. The hospital have asked specifically for the following items – Face wipes, hand cream, shower gel, chocolates and biscuits.
In order to reduce the number of unnecessary journeys and to avoid the possibility of mixing with other people, we will be offering two ways of donating to the collection.
- If you are in Bedford and are already out for another essential reason e.g. supermarket shopping, please drop into school and you will find a collection box outside of reception from 9am-4pm on weekdays for your donations. Please use the hand sanitiser provided.
- If you are not in Bedford, or you do not have an essential reason to leave your home, please purchase via our Amazon Wishlist. Items will be delivered to the school and then taken to the hospital in batches. There are a limited number of items/brands on this list. If you would like us to add something else to your donation, then please feel free to do so. View the Amazon Wishlist HERE.
Thank you for all of the donations already received and for your ongoing support with this project.