Remember to keep entering and sending in your wonderful efforts to Mrs Axford (Assistant Head), or post them on your social media channels and tag #BGSCommunity.
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.
There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the Bake Off competitions. The final deadline for this week’s Traybake competition is Monday 22nd February
The Bake Off competitions can be entered on Google Classroom using the following code: r7y4sgk
New Competitions
Toss a pancake challenge
To celebrate Pancake day on Tuesday 16th February - Have some fun and score points for your House by uploading a video of yourself tossing a pancake. A short video clip please – no more than 5 seconds. Each entry will score three House Points as long as the pancake finishes in the frying pan! Deadline for entries 10.00pm Tuesday 16th February. Submit your entries HERE.
LGBTQ+ History Month Challenge
Deadline Sunday 7th March 5.00pm. Please upload your posters HERE.
Existing Competitions
Arts Team – Valentines Competition
The Arts Team are very excited to launch a new competition in the lead up to Valentine’s Day.
Eloise Toone (Arts Captain) said: “We would like everyone to do something creative to represent what Love means to them. It could be a drawing, a dance, a recitation of a sonnet or performing a short song! Each entry receives a House point, and the winners will receive extra house points. We would also love to showcase some of our favourite entries on the @bedfordgirlsarts Instagram account.”The deadline for this competition is Friday 26th February, and the results will be published in the Edit after half term. Good Luck! Enter HERE.
Letters in the Environment Competition
We have already had some amazingly creative entries in the Letters in the Environment competition organised by Miss Nelson. The deadline is Sunday 21st February, enter HERE.
BGS Thank You NHS House Bake Off – Week 3 – Pastry
According to Mary Berry, Choux pastry is one of the hardest challenges any baker will face; well she would be extremely impressed with the BGS entrants this week. We have had the privilege to judge the interesting and diverse shapes and flavours for your choux pastry creations. A very well done to all students and staff who entered.
Senior School
1st Place – Charlotte Sanders (Year 11 – Hepburn. We loved those raspberries and salted caramel eclairs decorated with exquisite pulled sugar. Wonderfully baked, and presented brilliantly. Very well done Charlotte.
Joint Runner up – Leigh-Ann Cudjoe (Upper Sixth) – Hepburn.
Joint Runner up – Senior School – Joanna Solomon (Lower Sixth) – Hepburn.
Junior School
1st Place – Ottilia Reger (Year 3) – Chanel. We were very impressed with the uniform shape and size of the eclairs, they look delicious. Super baking by Ottilia, Well done!
Joint Runner Up – Grace Randall (Year 5) – Austen.
Joint Runner Up – Maggie Govier (Year 6) - Hepburn.