Bedford Girls’ School once again gave spellbinding performances at the Bedford Festival of Music, Speech and Drama (8-12th March 2021).
Due to the current restrictions, for the first time ever, all the performers entered via recorded videos. BGS entered a wealth of talent into numerous Music and Speech and Drama categories, ranging from musical theatre to solo singing and piano solos to world and popular music. Programmes included verse-speaking, prepared reading, Shakespeare and more.
The Bedfordshire Festival is well regarded in the local area, having been founded in 1921, and providing a showcase for talent in the amateur performing arts in the county.
There was plenty of talent on show from across the whole school, with a huge entry from Speech and Drama, resulting in students being awarded 22 1st places, 19 2nd places and 24 3rd places and many gaining an Outstanding Category.
Our musicians entered 34 classes, with the students being awarded five first places, six 2nd places, six third places, six merits and seven commended.
Mrs Redford (Head of Speech and Drama) reflected: “One year ago I hosted the prestigious Gala Concert at the end of the Bedfordshire Festival that showcased the most outstanding talent in Speech and Drama and Music, and if someone had told me that the Festival the following year would be an online remote Festival, performed on video and adjudicated on Zoom, I would never have believed them! But here we are one year on having just completed the Festival once again but the whole thing being conducted remotely.
“I am so proud of the students who took part, having their lessons online, rehearsing and filming in their homes and submitting their performances for assessment by eminent adjudicators. My thanks go to the students, their patient and supportive parents and the Speech and Drama staff for all their work. We are now looking forward to preparing for the next Festival and LAMDA examinations and to returning to our face-to-face lessons with joy.”
Mr Keating-Roberts (Director of Music) added: “It was incredibly challenging for the students to submit recorded performances that were able to convey atmosphere, emotion and the subtle nuances of performance; some even submitting entries from France. Excellent results for an extraordinary year.”
View some of the Speech and Drama screen captures HERE.
View the full BGS Speech and Drama results HERE.
View the full BGS Music results HERE.