LEGO Challenges
Junior School

Mrs Baker (Year 5 Teacher)

Last week saw all the Junior School girls undertaking an exciting range of STEM challenges. In Year 5, the girls were given the opportunity to present a range of science stories in a digital media of their choice. We were impressed with the range of podcasts, newspaper reports and iMovies that the girls produced. A popular choice amongst the girls was to use Lego to create stop motion and iMovies. You can watch some of their iMovies HERE.

Following on from the success of the NHS Bake Off Challenges we have now launched a Junior School Lego Challenge Google Classroom. In addition to the Spring Theme for the first week, a Lego Shakespeare challenge has also been set. You can see some of the fantastic responses HERE.

So, dust off those bricks and keep looking out for news of our creative builds and new challenges.

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LEGO Challenges