Junior School

Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

As part of their ongoing Unit of Inquiry, Year 6 have been reflecting on what impacts our evolving sense of self. The students were asked what ideas are evoked when they hear or see the phrase ‘like a girl’. Many of their thoughts were negative and made them feel less good or less worthy. They felt that society does sometimes encourage stereotypical views that girls may not be as good at certain things as boys – especially when people may say things like ‘run like a girl’ or ‘throw like a girl’. This is of course WRONG!

The whole year group watched a very powerful video which led to lots of interesting discussion points, view it HERE

As a community, we believe that #LikeAGirl means doing things as FAST as we can, as BIG as we can, as BEST as we can and as STRONG as we can! We want to work to change these stereotypes so that everyone understands what it means to be #LikeAGirl!

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