Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
At the start of the last National Lockdown in January, the Year 5 girls were challenged to work towards achieving a Blue Peter badge as a way of using their time productively whilst being at home. There are eight badges the girls could choose to work towards and we have been so impressed with their efforts so far – with some collecting more than one!
A special mention goes to the girls in 5B with the greatest number of girls achieving their badges and for presenting in our Year Group assembly to inspire others to take up this challenge and for offering advice on what has to be done for a successful application.
The challenge is still ongoing for the girls and we are now looking at working towards a whole-class ‘Blue Peter Climate Heroes Certificate’ for each of the Year 5 classes.
Holly from 5B said: “I have five badges. I received the Music badge by telling them all about me playing my instruments, which are the flute, piano, recorder, guitar and the violin!”
Megan, also from 5B said: “I received the Eco badge for making slides to share with others how I care about the environment and about the club some of the girls in my class have created to encourage others to think about the environment.”