Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
Last week the school community of staff and students voted for their chosen charity for the academic year 2021-2022. The Service team produced a shortlist of charities and provided a short piece of information about the role of the charity in supporting service users in the local community. We are pleased to announce that our school charity from September, with almost 50% of the vote, will be Bedford Women’s Centre.
Bedford Women’s Centre empowers women with life skills to improve the quality of life for them and their families. They provide mentoring and workshops in a safe and confidential environment to free women from domestic abuse and help them build positive, healthy relationships.
The new Service Captain Meranie Kairu, and her prefects, Joanna Solomon, Lucie Bridgman and Katie Bradley are looking forward to leading the school in raising money over the coming year to help this charity to continue their excellent work in supporting local women and their families, as well as raising awareness of the charity and the social issues they support.