Picnic with a Difference
Junior School

Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

At the beginning of the Summer Term, Year 3 were invited to a picnic with a difference; they would be organising it! After the initial excitement thinking about all of the food they would bring, they quickly realised that their ideas needed a little more structure and so began their Unit of Inquiry into Organisations are created to solve problems and support human endeavour and enterprise.

To understand the purpose of organisations and why people join them, in groups, the girls researched UNICEF, WWF and YTPE, to discover what their mission was, whether they felt each of these organisations were achieving what they set out to do and then finally they looked at what issues these organisations might face, from supply shortages to natural disasters, and discussed ways in which they would work to solve these. The girls showed such deep analytical skills and learned for themselves how sometimes, working as a group, can offer further hurdles to overcome.

Once we had investigated all of these lines of inquiry, they formed their own organisations to show their understanding through a mini picnic. They came up with a name and had to be able to explain the purpose of their organisation and why they had formed it. Once they had created this, they had to use their time management skills to set goals and keep to them as well as a £10 budget for any items they wanted to buy. At the end of the week each team added their items and costs to a spreadsheet which was ordered and brought into school.

Miss Coote and I very much enjoyed attending each picnic and spending time talking with the girls about the reasons for their picnic. They had thought deeply about the purposes of their organisations, how they wanted to present their ideas and talked in depth about what they had set out to achieve. The games and activities the girls had created were enjoyed by all and they spent time afterwards reflecting on each organisation and the issues they had to face and overcome.

It was such a fantastic way to see how their Learner Attributes are embedded in everyday working and how independently they organised themselves and each other!

We are, as always, incredibly proud of their achievements.

View photos HERE.

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Picnic with a Difference