Quilts as Symbols
Junior School

Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

Year 4 have been delving into forms of communication, through our transdisciplinary theme - How We Organise Ourselves. They began this unit learning about Harriet Tubman, known as one of the most inspiring icons in American history, and her vital role in helping slaves to freedom, as a conductor in The Underground Railroad. Hand stitched quilts carrying symbols were used to send messages to help countless slaves escape their plight.

Varsha (Year 4) showed her wonderful quilt from home, that is made with pieces of clothing and special memories from holidays and school. She has inspired the whole year group to collaborate and create our own beautiful class quilts with signs and symbols that are significant to each child.

The girls have explored the many organised systems of signs and symbols, such as Braille, sign language, Morse code, road signs, semaphore and emojis! They have learnt how we rely upon these systems to communicate both locally and globally, and considered what it would be like if we did not have organised methods of communicating in such a way.

Responding to the question - What if each system did not exist? Simone Erwig in 4S said: “Without Braille, blind people would not be able to read, which means that they wouldn't be able to study and get jobs.”

Another group thought that without organised road signs, people would crash or get lost. Evidence of creative thinking, and appreciating why organisation is so important!

View a photo of Varsha’s beautiful quilt HERE.

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Quilts as Symbols