Wellbeing and Mindfulness
Senior School Wellbeing

Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)

On Thursday morning, Year 8 set off to Cople for their wellbeing day in glorious sunshine.  The walk was full of high spirits and the laughter continued as the forms played a competitive game of rounders.

The students enjoyed each other’s company and explored the fields of Cople taking perspective photographs. Their energy was contagious and even over lunch they enjoyed playing football and walking round the field taking in the sights of Cople especially when the red kite flew overhead. 

After lunch the students experienced a session of body balance and yoga led by BGS parent, Mrs Barney, who very kindly volunteered to help give the Year 8’s a truly memorable day. It was a mind, body and spirit class which ended with a meditation at the end.  It was a truly relaxing and mindful experience which was just what was needed after a long half term.

It was the perfect session which truly embraced the aim of the day to enjoy each other’s company and to get outside after a year of so much uncertainty and missing out on so many activities. 

Martha Barnes (Year 8) said: “I really enjoyed doing the body balance session, it was peaceful and zen doing the exercises outside hearing the birds chirping away.”

Sophia Baugh (Year 8) said: “I really liked walking to Cople because it took some time away from our books and worrying about assessments. It also was fun because we got to talk to our friends about things other than work and school.” 

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Wellbeing and Mindfulness