Mrs Lugsden (Head of Art and Textiles)
On Tuesday, the Lower Sixth Fine Art students had a one-day workshop to launch their final major coursework unit. The day began with a review of a broad range of art work from a number of conceptual and sculptural and installation artists, such as Viola and Hatoum. Students were encouraged to explore themes, medias and techniques way beyond what they have explored so far on their A Level course.
A wide and varied range of artists were then collated by students as a possible reference point to their ideas as they move through their final major project. A diverse selection of starting points was then explored, linking to such themes as ‘mundane’ and ‘decay’, as a way of encouraging students to think beyond current areas of enquiry. More focused research was then carried out, enabling students to refine their concept and possible area of interest.
It was so exciting to see students fully engaging with new artists and concepts, and their energy for starting this new project was wonderful. I know that this day was incredibly valuable to set students on their creative journey, and I look forward to seeing their work develop over the coming months.