There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the various competitions. Remember to enter!
South Asian Heritage Month
Matisha Joshi (Lead Ambassador of the South Asian Society)
As part of South Asian Heritage Month, the BGS South Asian Society are running a House competition in which you will be able to design a piece of South Asian clothing.
There are templates in a folder here that you can print out and then create a beautiful design, inspired and influenced by South Asian designs (for ideas please see photos below).
Entries will be awarded House Points, and the winning entries will be displayed on social media and around school. The deadline for entries is Wednesday 30th June. Please make sure to put your name, year group and house in the title of the design when you upload it to the google folder. We cannot wait to see your creative designs! Enter here.
Design an Eid Card Competition
Mrs Malik (Mathematics Teacher)
Eid-ul-Adha, which is also known as the Eid of Sacrifice, is the second Eid that Muslims around the world celebrate at the end of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This year it is expected to fall on 20th July and we would like to invite you to take part in our House Competition to design a card.
The deadline is Friday 2nd July, enter here.
All entries will receive a House Point, but there will also be an Eid prize for the winner in each of the three categories – Junior School, Senior School and Staff. Get creative and designing, don’t forget to include your name and year group and house!