Inspirational student, Lucy Scott (Year 9), is about to take on a new fundraising challenge in aid of Myeloma UK. Myeloma is a rare blood cancer and Myeloma UK is the only charity that specifically helps myeloma patients and their families while also carrying out important medical research.
Lucy reflected: “I began fundraising in 2018 when a family friend passed away at the age of 49. Since then, I have raised over £1700. I have done a sponsored walk in my village, held a Go Orange day in the Junior School, a car boot sale, a 21,000 steps walk in the Trossachs and been on a chocolate fast. I was unable to do any sponsored walks owing to lockdown last year, so I am very pleased to take on a new challenge now. My Dad and I will be walking the Yorkshire Three Peaks in a 24-hour period. The route is 38.6 km including over 1500m of ascent.”
At any one time there are around 17,500 people living with myeloma in the UK. There are approximately 5,500 people diagnosed with myeloma every year in the UK. While treatments can be very effective at controlling the disease, at present there is no cure.
Lucy’s goal is to exceed her original target of £2000. She would be very appreciative of any small donation to her fundraising – click HERE.
It’s so heart-warming to see our students continuing to support their local communities and charities in different ways. We would love to hear your amazing stories of how you are helping the local community, please get in touch at [email protected].