Mrs McKinnell (Music Teacher)
This week and last have been very busy in the Music department. On Friday 18th June, our Junior School students released their latest Open Mic Stage and Thursday saw our most recent Senior Informal Lunchtime Concert.
Our Open Mic Stage broadcasts have been a regular feature throughout this year, featuring sessions for both Juniors and Seniors. This initiative was introduced with a view to giving our students more regular opportunities for informal performance in any style or genre so that students could build confidence in performance without the sometimes more intimidating atmosphere of a large-scale concert. The performances were intended to be almost of a busking-type, with minimal pressure. We are looking forward to holding these events live, hopefully not too far in the future; however, it has been great to be able to run them digitally during these challenging times. Watch the concert HERE.
Each term there is a Senior School Informal Lunchtime Concert which coincides nicely with the ABRSM and Trinity grade exams which fall around the same time. This is a really helpful platform for some of our students to trial an exam piece, helping them prepare for their approaching exam. Other students simply wish to share some repertoire they have been working on recently, and this series of concerts gives them an informal platform on which to do so. Performing in one of these concerts as a soloist often comes as a precursor to performing as a soloist in one of our end of term concerts which are a bit more formal in nature. Watch the concert HERE.
Huge thanks to all the students involved and the Visiting Music Teachers who have supported them in preparing their pieces or accompanying them. We hope that you enjoy watching the concerts.