Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
As part of their ongoing Unit of Inquiry, Year 5 enjoyed a Poetry Workshop with Mrs Redford (Head of Speech and Drama) to develop their poetry performance skills. The girls were challenged to explore different voice techniques and develop their acting skills. Following on from the workshop, they have been using these techniques to prepare a class performance of poems by T.S Eliot. Each class has been given the responsibility of creating their performance by organising the direction, props and costumes through collaboration and cooperation.
Whilst the Year 5 teachers are supporting them through this process, each class is being encouraged to be as independent as possible and they are already demonstrating their creativity in both the style of their performance and communication skills.
Their final performances will form part of their end of year celebrations as they will be performing their poems to the other Year 5 classes in the Junior School gardens during the final week of term.