It’s all coming together!
Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
The Year 6 classrooms have been a hive of activity as it has been our final full week working towards our PYP Exhibition. Research has been completed and answers to our inquiry questions have been written up. Data has been analysed and many of us have used our new-found skills in drawing pie charts and line graphs to present relevant data in an interesting way. Art projects and science experiments have had the finishing touches added. It is all coming together!
One of the main focuses of the week has been sharing our work with our peers in order to obtain constructive feedback. Does our work make sense? Are our questions answered clearly? Is the data easy to understand? We have listened carefully and reflected on the ideas and feedback from our peers so that we can make final improvements to our finished work.
Another area we have been thinking about is how we are going to present our knowledge verbally to our audience. Visitors will want to talk to us about our exhibits and we need to be able to speak confidently and clearly. Our weekly drama lessons have also helped develop our public speaking skills.
We are really looking forward to sharing our Exhibitions next week!