Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)
With a goal of spreading positivity throughout the school community and beyond, students and staff in the Junior School have been set the challenge of creating kindness rocks over the Summer as part of the Kindness Rocks Challenge, initiated by the Student Voice and Form Head group. They shared some fabulous ideas via an assembly power point and offered examples of phrases that could be used for people’s rocks, such as “Love Everyone”, “Give a Hug” and “Bee Happy”, with a picture of a honey bee.
Students have started painting their rocks as of last week, however the deadline is the first week back in September for those wanting to make it a Summer activity with their family.
Once the rocks are finished, students will be able to return them to the Form Head and Student Voice group for waterproofing and judging, with five children being awarded prizes. Most importantly, the Kindness Rocks will then be added to a Kindness Rocks garden for everyone to enjoy in the Junior School.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s entries! The rocks handed in so far have been wonderful. Stay tuned for picture updates and inspiration.