Miss Huckle (Head Rowing Coach)
58 BGS Rowers headed to Peterborough Junior Championships this weekend, racing over two days. Over 50% of rowers were competing in their first ever race and all put in brilliant performances. Racing took place over 1000m on a multi-lane course, an amazing opportunity for all of our Years 9 and 10 rowers to have a full side by side regatta experience. Although we may not have been blessed with beautiful sunshine, our rowers had the chance to put their skills into practice in dealing with a variety of weather conditions which impacted the water.
We were also very pleased to see progress on the results table for team BGS, with almost all crews making championship finals. A special mention to our Year 10 quad, who finished in 5th place out of 20 crews, our 36 year 9 rowers who competed side by side for the first time, and Lottie Giles for winning a bronze medal in her single scull event.
A huge thank you to everybody who supported our rowers in a fantastic weekend of racing for all involved!