Year 5 celebrated the end of their Unit of Inquiry, How We Express Ourselves, by joining together as a year group to perform their poetry pieces in classes. Since taking part in Mrs Redford’s poetry workshop, the girls have been busy rehearsing their pieces and organising props and costumes.
Mrs Baker, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Whomsley were impressed throughout the process by their collaboration and communication skills as well as how they independently made decisions about how to organise their performances. The sun shone as the girls gathered together in the Junior School gardens for their final performances before enjoying an afternoon of games and activities.
Florence: “In this performance, I really enjoyed seeing how everyone acted out their poem and used props to tell their story.”
Maddie: “I really liked being in a group doing the performance because it was fun saying the same lines as other people.”
Jemima: “I really enjoyed putting our Jellicles performance together and working as a class collaboratively as well as being self-managers and reflecting on our individual performance.”
Hattie: “I enjoyed watching the other performances from Year 5 classes and thinking about their good ideas and how they did theirs.”
Eleanor: “I enjoyed making the props and planning our costumes.”
Flora: “I loved how it was all our decisions and we planned it all. It was like a proper play with all the costumes and performing it together.”