Miss Howe (Director of Drama and Dance)
This week saw all of Year 6 off-timetable for two theatre days run by the Drama Department on developing creative performance and design ideas using The Jungle Book as inspiration.
The first day began with a carousel of short workshops on four key skills: foley sound, costume design, choral work and physical theatre. Students then selected the key skill they wanted to explore in more detail. Using their excellent research strategies, honed through the Primary Years Programme (PYP) programme, each class was allocated a specific animal from the play consisting of: Monkeys, Bears, Wolves and Vultures and looked into information on habitat, environment, social interaction, behaviour and movement/sound etc.
Students then used this knowledge to inform their original interpretations of each animal, working with the individual workshop leaders to bring to life the animal through the four key skill areas. Finally, each class came back together to share what they had been creating in their focus workshops and find a way to present all of their ideas to all the whole year group in as imaginative a way as possible.
The Drama team were hugely impressed with the creativity and commitment of Year 6 who worked with dedication and enthusiasm to tackle skills often new to them. The final outcomes were wonderfully vibrant and creative and it really was such a lovely way to end the term.