Miss Bruce (Director of Rowing)
During the Summer holidays, the rowing squad kept very busy with a popular turn out at every single session on and off the water with a mixture of virtual sessions, water training and uploading various creative activities on our Strava group. This allowed the boat club to keep in touch, stay fit and keep motivated throughout the long break. This really made a difference to lost time during the beginning of the year and we have already made a strong start this term.
The lovely weather brought the opportunity for all of our rowers to go out in smaller boats and single sculls, allowing our younger rowers to pick up new and more challenging skills - this did result in a few refreshing capsizes into the water! All of the girls jumped straight back in determined to crack this new discipline of single sculling.
Outside of BGS rowing, the rowing coaches picked up an oar again and spent their summer racing and training with the local rowing club, Star Club. Alongside her BGS training, Alex Gentry (Year 11) joined Star and was busy coxing the Star Club Women’s 1st 8+. We attended the St Neots Regatta and the Henley Royal Regatta Qualifying races. Racing at this level was a fantastic experience for Alex and we look forward to seeing current students, alumnae and coaching staff collaborating on the water again soon.