Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)
It was so lovely to welcome all the new Year 7 students on their first day of their journey through the Senior School. There were lots of nervous smiles as they were greeted in the Dining Room. The focus of this term is for each student to be proud of who they are and to celebrate with one another their individual character, this will be linked very closely to the three school values of being Bold, Imaginative and reflective.
They spent Monday getting to know the students in their forms, their Form Tutors and members of their House. The excitement of meeting the Lower Sixth students, who will be working closely with them to get the House Drama productions ready for the performances on 12th October was a highlight for many of the Year 7 students. After lunch, the sun was shining and we went out on a wellbeing walk around the Embankment.
The laughter and chatting was wonderful to hear as they walked along with many students talking to others not in their forms and really trying to get to know one another. This is a weekly activity during Friday Form Time which helps Year 7 widen friendships and get to know the Year 7 Pastoral Team in a relaxed environment.
We are very much looking forward to the term ahead, the Wellbeing Day at Cople on 15th September and preparing for our Service afternoons at the end of the Autumn term.