Mrs Howe (Director of Drama and Dance)
Last Wednesday 22nd and Friday 24th September, students from BGS and Bedford School took part in enrichment workshops in movement, singing and acting with a view to laying the groundwork for the exciting Joint Musical taking place next November 2022.
This musical will be the first fully joint venture between the schools, bringing together staff from each of the Drama, Dance and Music Departments at Bedford School and BGS to produce, direct and design a full-scale musical in The Quarry Theatre.
The workshops began in the Studio Theatre at BGS on Wednesday with Dance teachers Miss Bream and Miss Elsom teaching the mixed group of students simple walking and turning sequences. As confidence grew, this developed into more complex jumping and contemporary phrases; finally ending with the chance to produce some original choreography. Much fun was had and the students impressed with their willingness to try new styles and stay focused and committed throughout the two hours.
Then on Friday, students met at The Quarry Theatre to undertake an acting workshop led by Mrs Keylock (Head of Creative Arts, Bedford School) and I as well as a singing workshop led by our Mr Keating-Roberts (Director of Music). The collaborative and encouraging atmosphere between the two sets of students, fostered in the earlier movement workshop, was cemented here and was wonderful to see.
Polly Taylor (Year 10) said: “I have really enjoyed the workshops and I am looking forward to the upcoming musical this year. I think it has been really good to be able to collaborate with different people and everyone was very friendly. Getting to use The Quarry Theatre was a great experience and I cannot wait for the musical next year.”
Sarah Pepper (Year 10) said: “I thought the workshops, overall, were extremely fun and I loved getting to know perhaps a future cast. The collaborative atmosphere was great, and it was so nice to be with people who were interested in musical theatre as well. The Quarry Theatre is such an amazing space to perform and rehearse in, and walking onto the stage is honestly the biggest thrill. I also really enjoyed working with the students at Bedford School and meeting some of their members of staff too. I’m super excited for the upcoming musical, and cannot wait for the audition and rehearsal process to start!”
The students’ experience certainly bodes very well for a positive and rewarding production process to come and we are looking forward to the formal auditions in the Summer Term.
View a video of the movement workshop here.
View photos from the workshop here.