Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
Whilst some Year 6 pupils were at a hockey fixture on Wednesday, the rest of the year group spent a fun-filled afternoon playing a lively game of Lobster Pots. Using a variety of Maths skills, the girls had to strategically plan where to place their lobster pots – either inshore or offshore. A particular Mathematical rule, e.g. prime numbers, will decide if the weather has been good or bad. They had to work out the probability of good or bad weather and use this to decide where to put their lobster pots. Good weather leads to huge profits! However, bad weather means the loss of any lobster pots that are off shore. A roll of the dice seals their fate…
As the game progressed, the opportunity to buy more lobster pots and more boats and insure their boats came along but all at a cost. Is the cost worth it? It may be when a hurricane hits!
The girls had great fun working collaboratively in their small groups. They had the opportunity to practice a variety of Mathematical skills, thinking logically and whilst planning their strategies. Great fun was had by all.