Ready2Lead Launches
Sixth Form


Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)

On Wednesday afternoon, Twelve Lower Sixth students were selected to attend Ready2Lead – a series of virtual and face-to-face conferences designed to inspire students to embrace their unique talents to plan and implement a project that makes a difference locally or globally.

BGS, along with students from seven other Bedford schools, heard from inspirational speakers, Amani Simpson and Zakia Moulaoui, who encouraged them to identify their values, serve others and be bold.  The group then split into smaller groups to identify which of the UN Global Goals they wanted to work on with their project. The groups will present their final projects on the evening of 1st December, before submitting them to the Global Goals competition.

Jaspreet Sahota (Lower Sixth) said: “Connecting with people from other schools and discussing our ideas for our upcoming project was my highlight of the day. Hearing the speakers tell their stories was incredibly inspiring and I learnt key principles which will help me become a better leader. I am looking forward to collaborating with my peers so we can make a positive impact on people’s lives within Bedford and beyond.”

Ishani Patel said: “It was an insightful experience to meet with other students in my year and share our ideas on what we felt good leadership qualities were. We also had two very inspirational talks by people who had much knowledge and background in leadership roles, the most impactful for me being Amani Simpson. Hearing his journey made me realise how many opportunities come from just small changes in the process to becoming a successful leader and, reflecting on our school values, if you are bold in asking for those opportunities, you will receive them. I am most looking forward to planning our Global Campaigners Project with the other BGS Sixth Formers, and using my voice to make a difference in the wider world of education.”

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Ready2Lead Launches