Mrs McKinnell (Music Teacher)
The Music Department was thrilled to hold its first live Senior Concert since the start of the pandemic, on Friday 5th November.
Our Senior School students put on a wonderful Informal Lunchtime Concert in the Assembly Hall, to which we welcomed students, teachers, alumnae and parents. It was lovely to see so many friendly faces in the audience. The students that participated ranged from Year 7 right up to the Upper Sixth, and they performed a really wide range of music: everything from Michael Jackson to Mozart. It was also fantastic to see a good range of instruments represented, including drum kit, voice, piano, guitar and flute. We were also lucky enough to hear some chamber music in the form of a performance from our new school piano trio.
The quality of performances was excellent, and very much enjoyed by the audience. A great achievement after nearly two years away from live performances in front of audiences. As evidence of the inspiration the performances provided to our students, we now have taster session bookings in the pipeline after students approached Music staff asking to try out the instruments they had seen in action.
If any students would like to perform in our next Informal Lunchtime Concert, which will be in the Spring Term, do please contact the Music Department.