Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Monday, Year 6 took part in an interactive workshop about the potential dangers and health problems associated with drugs, alcohol and smoking. Hosted by A-life, the girls were told age appropriate information, anecdotal stories and took part in hands-on activities to help them understand this serious and important topic.
Much fun was had with the workshop activities, a favourite was wearing the special goggles that affected your vision – mimicking what it might be like to be under the influence of alcohol. The girls couldn’t believe how difficult it was to walk along a line and catch a ball wearing them. They also enjoyed a game of Beanboozled where you taste jelly beans – some with a nice flavour like strawberries and cream and some with quite disgusting flavours like spoiled milk and dirty dishwater! This was to show how different people can react differently to the same looking product.
The morning was a really valuable learning experience for all involved.
Cecilie (6I) said: “We learned so much about how some medical drugs are good to help you but that there are some drugs that can be bad and be dangerous.”
Lexi (6I) said: “It helped us learn about what drugs are for and how you can’t trust all drugs. We learned some strategies to say no.”