The BGS School Committee of Governors places great store in ensuring that we have one Parent Elected Governor (PEG) on our School Committee to act as a key link to parents and staff when developing the School’s strategy and aims, to make sure parent’s voices are heard. The PEG serves for a period of three years and then needs to stand again for re-election against any other nominee that wishes to stand for election.
The PEG will, like all Governors, be expected to ensure good governance of the School with support for and from the Senior Leadership Team but they will also be responsible for representing the views of parents to the School Committee and assisting in communication from the School Committee to parents.
There are a number of useful documents regarding this role here and details on how to submit a nomination.
We must receive nominations by 12pm midday on Monday 28th February 2022. Nominations received after this date, or incorrectly completed, will not be valid.