Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5 and Junior School Eco Coordinator)
The Junior School Eco Club Reps have been busy working to promote recycling within the Junior School. Each classroom has its own recycling point and we have made posters for each classroom as a reminder of what can be put into these bags for recycling. The Reps have taken time to share these with their classes so we can minimise as much waste that cannot be recycled going into the other bins.
In addition to this, we have been able to resume our crisp packet recycling scheme. We counted the packets that we had already collected (336!) and have packaged these ready to go for recycling. The crisp packet box is outside on the terrace each break time for the pupils to add their empty packets into and Eco Club will continue to collect and sort them. The Eco Club has chosen litter as one of its target areas to focus on and they are always looking for ways to reduce waste and promote eco initiatives to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Serena (6C), JSLG Eco Leader, added: “It’s really important that everyone is involved with helping to minimise the waste in school and on our school grounds. It’s great that everyone is really supportive of our work and keen to help us.”