Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5 and Junior School Eco Coordinator)
Following on from last term’s Unit of Inquiry, Sharing the Planet, Chloe Whiteman, from 5W, was inspired to send a letter to her local council to raise their awareness of the growing issue of litter in her town’s parks. Whilst in school, Year 5 pupils had been asked to research an environmental issue that particularly concerned them and then present their findings to bring awareness of these issues to their peers. In addition to this, they learnt the techniques of writing persuasive letters to key stakeholders that they had identified to ask them to address the issues presented to them.
As an active member of our Junior School Eco Club, Chloe was so inspired to take further action, she wrote a further letter over half term.
Following on from her letter, Biggleswade Council invited Chloe to present her letter at an upcoming meeting. As the meeting overran, unfortunately Chloe was unable to give the short presentation that she had prepared but she was assured that her letter would be passed onto the Mayor for his consideration. When she returned home from school on Wednesday, she found a hand-delivered letter from the Deputy Mayor waiting for her! They have promised to look into and address the issues she highlighted and thanked her for her interest.
We are so proud of Chloe’s passion for this cause and persevering with raising awareness by taking agency and action.