The Deep History Coast
Senior School

Ms March (Head of Geography)

Friday 18th March saw the departure of 67 Year 11 geographers to sunny Sheringham in North Norfolk. After being delayed due to COVID, the students and staff were delighted to visit the picturesque North Norfolk coast.

The purpose of the day trip was to undertake fieldwork, preparing the students for their GCSE exam, whilst also developing their investigatory and data collecting skills. This visit enabled the students to see firsthand examples of coastal erosion and coastal management (physical) in Sheringham as well as studying land use and quality of environment (human).

It was a pleasure to spend the day with the students and staff by the sea, the sun came out and the fish and chips were delicious too!

Here are some student reflections from the trip:

Hanniah Chowdry: “I thoroughly enjoyed my geography trip to Sheringham and found it very beneficial to my learning as I was able to use my knowledge of coastal management schemes from class during the trip when we observed the effectiveness of groynes and rock armour.” 

Emily Pinkney: “I thoroughly enjoyed our geography trip to Sheringham as it gave me an interesting insight into the real-life applications of the work we have been studying on Coasts and the Changing Urban environments. I was particularly fascinated by our practical work on the beach and throwing oranges into the sea to measure long-shore drift was definitely a highlight!”

Alexandra Gentry: “Our trip to Sheringham was a fantastic experience - it allowed us to practise many of the practical skills we had missed out of because of the COVID-19 pandemic in a fun and enjoyable setting. A highlight of the day was walking around the town and taking surveys of different areas, allowing us to simultaneously explore the location and practise important geographical skills we’ve been unable to use since Year 9.”

Freya Arnold: “Sheringham allowed me to visualise my favourite topic of coasts, which I know will benefit me in my exams. I love geography and going on this trip has made me so incredibly invested in my geographical future. This trip really brought the geography textbook to life! Thank you to all the teachers, #Keepgeogging!”

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The Deep History Coast