Miss Huckle (Head Rowing Coach)
On Friday 18th March 2022, over 70 Years 9 to Upper Sixth students participated in the annual BGS House Ergo competition.
The Assembly Hall was full of noise and colour as the six Houses competed against each other with members of their Houses jumping on to try and increase their team’s score. With each team only having one machine it was a case of changing around as much as possible. The quicker the change the less time wasted but the longer you stayed on the machine the lower the intensity.
The competition was a 20-minute session, and Houses could divide their competitors however they liked. The event was fantastic to watch, with a brilliant noisy atmosphere in the Assembly Hall. Well done to everybody who participated!
It was fantastic to see all of the students and eager staff unite in their house communities, regardless of rowing ability. We look forward to our House Rowing event on the water in the Summer Term!
Each house was ranked on their number of competitors, distance rowed and team spirit!
1st – Franklin – 16 points
2nd – Chanel – 15 points
3rd – Parks – 14 points
4th – Nightingale – 7 points
5th – Hepburn – 6 points
6th – Austen – 5 points