The Art of Podcasting
Junior School

Miss Fisher (Year 5 Teacher)

We were delighted to welcome former BBC producer Johanna Hall remotely to Year 5 last week. The workshop delivered was focused on our central idea, which explores digital media and its uses. During the session, Johanna touched on how to produce an effective podcast, and over the period of the workshop the students were taken through the steps in a logical and detailed manner.

The elements of a successful podcast have been thought through and we explored the use of sound, such as effects to draw in the listener. We also learned about the role of the presenter and how each element is linked. Furthermore, recording techniques and equipment were considered to help them understand how to produce a top-quality podcast. We also had discussions about the responsibility the media has to give reliable information to the audience and we emphasised on using reliable and unbiased sources of information which encouraged the students analytical and critical thinking skills.

The girls have gone on to make their own podcasts applying all of the skills learnt during our fantastic workshop.

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