Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
As the culmination to our Unit of Inquiry into How organisations are created to solve problems and support human endeavour and enterprise, the Year 3 pupils set up their own to model their understanding of the key concepts. Working in small groups they had to plan and form their own organisation with an aim to support United World Schools (UWS), our Whole School charity. Each group was given a £10 budget to plan and orchestrate their ideas, for which they should be highly commended; homemade lemonade, cupcakes, cookies, second hand books, bracelets and more!
It has been especially heart-warming to hear the positive comments from other Year Group pupils and teachers, as the girls have implemented marketing campaigns (posters and invitations) to persuade the rest of the Junior School to support their organisation.
The enterprise event was held this afternoon in the Junior School Gardens and it was wonderful to see their self-management skills in full swing as well as the pure enjoyment and ownership this has brought each child. It was a superb way to finish, what has been, an incredibly busy half-term.