Mrs Whomsley, Junior School Eco Coordinator
In recognition of World Environment Day, which was on June 5th, and to celebrate our eco work and enthusiasm for environmental issues in the Junior School, we have launched a final ‘eco-challenge’. As the focus for World Environment Day this year is Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature, they have been asked to consider the issues surrounding the textile industry and to design, then create an outfit from recycled, reused or repurposed materials.
Every pupil will design an outfit using their fantastic creativity and imagination. They will need to carefully consider the materials they choose to use in their designs and explain their reasons for what they have chosen.
Following on from this work, each class will choose one design to take forward to the creation stage. Everyone in the class will need to participate in creating this final class design, which will be shared in a whole school ‘showcase’ during the final week of school. We cannot wait to see their creations!