Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
The return to school has seen a flurry of activity in Year 6 as we continue working towards our Exhibition.
Groups are now fully immersed in their research in order to answer all their questions about their global issue. Important research skills are having to be practised as we search for information. The World Wide Web is such a valuable source of information, but needs to be treated with caution! All of us have discovered that different websites give us different answers to the same question. Which one is correct? Are they trustworthy? How do we check if our information is reliable? These are all questions we have to ask ourselves every time we find a piece of information we want to use. Groups have to use all their previously learned research skills to critically analyse and check all the information that they find.
In addition to research on our chosen global issue, groups have been busy launching their various action projects. The purpose of the student led action is to raise awareness of their chosen global issue in the wider community. Groups have been visiting other classes in the Junior School to give presentations on their chosen issue and to launch competitions for other students to enter.
We also had some brilliant presentations in assembly on Monday to launch our Junior School collection for Bedford Food Bank.
Merrin (Year 5) said: “‘We have already started the competitions which are fun. I really enjoy having the opportunity to do things like this.”
Xanthe (Year 5) said: “I liked the global issues that they chose as both of the issues really need to be promoted so that they are noticed more.”
Bella (Year 5) said: “I really liked the LGBTQ+ presentation as it was fun doing the Kahoot. The groups had put lots of effort into it which was great.”