Mr Keating-Roberts (Director of Music)
During half term we took our Upper Sixth Music A Level students on a residential trip to the world famous Rockfield Studios in Wales. Rockfield studios are famous for recording artists such as Rush, Oasis, Iggy Pop, Nigel Kennedy, Simple Minds, Coldplay and Black Sabbath. Perhaps most famously the song Bohemian Rhapsody was written there, and the location is featured in the film of the same title.
During the trip the students met Greg Haver and Clint Murphy, two top producers in the Music industry and had the opportunity to ask questions about producing, artist management, sound engineering and song writing. They received an in-depth expert explanation on how albums are put together. They gave guidance on what students should think about and prepare for to achieve successful careers in the Music industry.
What became apparent is the truly globally connected world of Music, how technology has progressed music making and the direction the industry has taken as a result. For example, tracks recorded during the day at Rockfield were edited and mixed overnight in New Zealand, so that they were ready for new parts to be added the following day.
Our students had exclusive access to the recording sessions, with opportunities to ask questions about the process, and had first-hand experience of how this area of the Music industry operates. We saw the creative process of adding string sections and backing vocals, talking with the artists tasked with this area of the recording including the keyboard player for the Manic Street Preachers who arrived straight from a music festival with The Killers. Plenty of examples were shared with the students about the musicians’ experiences, who they had worked with and the exciting and dynamic Music careers they had pursued.
The students were treated to a tour of the studios by the owner and founder Kingsley Ward. The studios have an absolutely fascinating history, comprising a dairy Farm which formed Kingsley’s primary career. From these humble origins the studios have become a global phenomenon. Kingsley was an enthralling character, full of anecdotes about the artists that have visited Rockfield and indeed his own musical forays.
Surrounded by beautiful Welsh countryside, amazing facilities amalgamating vintage recording equipment with cutting edge modern systems, and a rich heritage of legendary artists it is hardly surprising that Rockfield continues to inspire phenomenal records.
Our students were able to experience this themselves in a songwriting workshop too, showcasing their songs to the band and receiving feedback & guidance from band members in the very rooms where previous artists created their own hit songs.
The students had an amazing time and it was a fantastic glimpse into their creative aspirations and what their futures may have in store for them. Who knows? Maybe they will be the next world-class producers, engineers or performing superstars recording their own album at Rockfield.