Miss Rogers (LRC Manager)
On Wednesday, we welcomed the wonderful children’s author and stand-up comedian Olaf Falafel. Olaf has written various books for younger readers, including One Giant Leek for Mankind and Old MacDonald Heard a Parp. His recent creations Trixie Pickle Art Avenger and Blob Fish are his latest titles and we were enthralled by his wonderful presentation on the processes that underpin the conception and creation of these fantastic works.
The Junior School students were enthralled by his art class, focusing on how to draw a bum-faced snail and when they questioned Olaf on if that was his real name, he revealed that no, his real name was in fact Derek Chickpeas!
It is always wonderful to invite special guests to the school. Author visits engage the students, heighten creativity, writing skills and assist in developing a life-long love of books.