July 8th 2022
Frau Arrowsmith (German Teacher)
Year 7 German students have had fun this week preparing and performing the traditional German children’s poem Backe backe Kuchen, which contains the recipe for baking the perfect cake. All the students worked hard to learn their lines and make sure their pronunciation was accurate.
The judges were impressed by some lively and mouth-watering performances, with the overall winners being Kaia, Ambar and Milly year 7.
Backe, Backe Kuchen
Backe, backe Kuchen,
Der Bäcker hat gerufen.
Wer will guten Kuchen backen,
Der muss haben sieben Sachen:
Eier und Schmalz,
Butter und Salz,
Milch und Mehl,
Saffran macht den Kuchen gel.