Building a Global Community
Whole School Charity

We are proud to announce that BGS has raised £7,208.24 for United World Schools (UWS). With the UWS Government Aids Match, the final figure has been doubled to a fantastic £12,664.

This is the second year that BGS has supported UWS as our chosen global charity. We spent the first year introducing the charity in year group assemblies and have continued to raise awareness of UWS with form time activities and through our fundraising events.

UWS is a UK registered charity that aims to 'teach the unreached' by building and developing community schools for out-of-school children in South East Asia. There is a particular focus on supporting education for girls and preventing drop out. The charity operates schools in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Nepal and BGS is partnering with Dal Phnom School in Cambodia.

Mrs Axford (Assistant Head) said: “I wanted to thank all staff and students for taking the time and effort to organise, run and support all the fund-raising events for UWS this year.

These events have included the Year 9 and Lower Sixth Walk for UWS; the Helping Hands fundraiser in the Junior School; A Year 3 enterprise event; a Sixth Form Rounders and Pizza evening with Bedford School; Henna Art, the Year 8 Tenner Challenge; ice cream sales and non-school uniform days as well as money raised during our Cultural Festival.”

“A final mention must go to Meranie Kairu in the Upper Sixth, our Service Captain in 2020-21, and our current Service Team Kimya Ghods, Aafiya Alam, Nina Leech and Jemima Peacock for their enthusiasm and commitment to raising awareness and funds for UWS.”

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Building a Global Community